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Ed Surnam

Ed Surman is an intuitive coach and creative living mentor, possesses an unyielding passion for guiding individuals toward discovering their authentic selves and living in alignment with their deepest purpose. With a wealth of diverse life experiences, Ed brings a unique perspective to his work as a coach, speaker and facilitator.

With a diverse background from Mental Health Nurse to an environment restoration consultant, Ed developed a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of nature and human well-being. He witnessed firsthand the transformative power of reconnecting with the natural world and the profound benefits it can have on mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Throughout his life, Ed has been a dedicated student of esoteric knowledge and spirituality. He has explored various spiritual traditions, philosophies, and practices, seeking to uncover the mysteries of existence and unlock the hidden potential within each individual.

With a foundation rooted in diverse experiences, Ed Surman skillfully draws upon his intuition, varied and vaat life experiences from mental health nursing background, environmental restoration expertise, and spiritual knowledge to help individuals connect to their higher ground. He facilitates workshops, retreats, and one-on-one sessions, creating a sacred space where participants can explore their inner landscapes, discover their unique gifts and talents, and align their actions with their deepest values.

Ed's intuitive coaching style allows him to perceive the subtle nuances of his clients' energy, emotions and limiting beliefs enabling him to offer deeply personalized insights and guidance. He mpowers individuals to embrace their authentic selves, and take action towards their dreams despite their limiting beliefs, and cultivate a sense of profound inner peace and fulfillment in the pursiut of what they love.

Through his transformative work, Ed Surman has touched the lives of countless individuals, inspiring them to live more authentically, embrace their true nature, and manifest their highest potential. He continues to share his wisdom and insights with the world, igniting a spark of transformation in the hearts of all who encounter him.

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Vincent G Melling

Author - Speaker - Teacher - Coach
Structured Intuition